Rangoon (Mizzima) – A Rangoon Region Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) official said that the USDP would grant loans, totaling 10 billion kyat, to people in Rangoon Region. To qualify for a loan, a person must be a USDP member.
The party will grant a total of 7 billion kyat as small loans and a total of 3 billion kyat as agricultural loans to farmers at a 2 per cent interest rate. Profits would be used in health care services for the public, said Aung Thein Lin, a Lower House MP from South Okkalapa Township and a former Rangoon Mayor.
A canvasser from the Shwepyitha Township USDP said, “He [Aung Thein Lin] said that the party granted money to the township, and people need to be grateful to the party.”
A resident in North Okkalapa Township said, “We got a 30,000 kyat loan. To get a loan, we didn’t need to sign over our possessions. But we had to join the party.”
Aung Thein Lin also said the USDP would open charity clinics and a charity maternity clinic in Rangoon. The USDP is the government-supported party which holds a majority of seats in Parliament.