The Arakan State government was formed with nine ministers on 30 March, 2011, with the state government ministries announced by the new president, Thein Sein, at the people's parliament.
The ministers and ministries of the state government are as follows:
1. Colonel Htein Lin, MP from the Army, as Minister for the Ministry of Security and Border affairs
2. U Kyaw Khin, MP from the USDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Irrigation
3. Dr. Aung Kyaw Min, MP from the USDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Health and Education
4. U Myaw Aung, MP from the USDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Economics
5. U Soe Aye, MP from the USDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Transport
6. U Tha Lu Che, MP from the RNDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Industry, Labour, and Sports
7. U Kyaw Thein, MP from the RNDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Meat, Fish, Mines, and Energy
8. U Aung Than Tin, MP from the RNDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Culture and Social Welfare and Relief
9. U Hla Han, MP from the USDP, as Minister for the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Immigration
In addition to the ministry appointments, U Hla Maung Tin was appointed as Chief Minister of the Arakan State Government, U Kyauk as Chief Justice of the State, U Hla Thein as Advocate General of the State, U Thein Aung and Daw Si Si as judges for the high court, and U Tun San Aung was appointed as Chief Auditor.
The ministries for the national races has also been announced, with U Ko Ko Naing appointed as Minister for the Ministry of Chin National Race Affairs in Arakan State, U Zaw Aye Maung as minister for the Ministry of Rakhine National Race Affairs in Rangoon Division, and U Ba Kyu appointed as the Minister for the Ministry of Rakhine National Race Affairs in Irrawaddy Division.