Parliament’s over: time to party

Parliament’s over: time to party
by -
Ko Wild

The owner of the Zaygabar Company, Khin Shwe, an MP in the Union Solidarity and Development Party, gave a farewell dinner for Parliament MPs on Tuesday evening. It was the second dinner held by Khin Shwe for MPs this year...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – The owner of the Zaygabar Company, Khin Shwe, an MP in the Union Solidarity and Development Party, gave a farewell dinner for Parliament MPs on Tuesday evening. It was the second dinner held by Khin Shwe for MPs this year.

 MizzimaThe dinner party, with seven female performers, took place in the Mount Pleasant Hotel in Naypyidaw. About 100 MPs, including MPs from opposition parties, attended the dinner.

On Wednesday, Speaker Khin Aung Myint gave a farewell lunch for MPs in the Union Assembly Hall.

The Parliament has been dissolved and is not scheduled to reconvene until next year.