Media groups call for release of Malaysian blogger

Media groups call for release of Malaysian blogger
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The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) condemn the arrest of prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin under the Internal Security Act (ISA) ...

The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) condemn the arrest of prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin under the Internal Security Act (ISA) as well as the threats issued against the media. A series of actions in the period of two days - the arrest, show cause letters issued to two dailies and an opposition monthly, and the ban on a documentary on religion - suggest that the Barisan Nasional government is poised to unleash a crackdown on the media and critics in a bid to hold on to power. reported that Raja Petra Kamaruddin was detained at his house in Sungai Buloh at 1:30 p.m. by 10 police officers who refused to provide a reason for his arrest. On the same day, Suara Keadilan, dailies “Sin Chew” and “The Sun” were issued show cause letters to explain why action should not be taken against them. “Sin Chew” was warned for its reporting on the UMNO divisional leader Ahmad Ismail's statements. On September 10, reported that a documentary by private broadcaster NTV7 was banned from air due to its topic on conversion, following up on the forum organised by Bar Council last month.

The measures are clearly harsh and bear a disturbing resemblance to the period in the lead up to the Operasi Lalang in 1987, where more than a hundred activists, artists, academics and politicians mainly from the opposition parties were detained under the ISA and four newspapers were suspended under the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA). Both incidents are similar in that it relates to ongoing political crisis within UMNO, but manifested as alleged racial tension by the government.

CIJ and WAMI condemn the intimidation by the government and are worried about the consequences it would have on the well being of the nation. The government has proven the critics right that race relation is more a convenient political agenda than a concern especially when its political hegemony is threatened.

We urge the government to consider seriously that should another 1987-like response happens, it will be a blow to the country's nation's economy and international standing and it will only strengthen the people's rejection of the ruling Barisan Nasional. The government should immediately release Raja Petra, retract the show cause letters and desist from any crackdown on the media, critics and civil society. It should immediately put in place its reform process towards a more democratic and just society.