Two journalists arrested in Rangoon

Two journalists arrested in Rangoon
by -
Nem Davies
Two journalists from a Rangoon based weekly publication 'Myanmar Nation' were picked up on Friday for interrogation.
Mizzima News 
Two journalists from a Rangoon based weekly publication 'Myanmar Nation' were picked up on Friday for interrogation.
The local authorities from Thingangyun Township, Rangoon came to their office and took away Chief Editor Thet Zin and Manager Sein Win Maung on Friday evening.
"At about 5 p.m. on Friday, local authorities came and searched our office. They then took away Ko Thet Zin and Manager U Sein Win Maung at about 9 p.m. for interrogation. They are now in Thingangyun police lockup," he said told Mizzima.
Officials found and seized a copy of the Burmese translation of UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Mr. Pinheiro's report, a VCD of the September demonstrations led by monks and a copy of 'Let's build inseparable Union' written by Shan ethnic leader Shwe Ohn, from the office.
Again a police officer and five policemen from Thingangyun police station came to the office in mufti this morning and searched for about three hours, seizing data from Chief Editor's office computer.
Khin Swe Myint, spouse of Thet Zin, confirmed her husband's arrest and said that they are being interrogated at the Township police station.
"I don't know why they were taken away from their Journal office. I asked the policemen who came and searched the office this morning again.
They only said that they came under instruction from higher authorities and they will submit their report following the search. They just said they would let me know about the case later," she said to Mizzima.
"I can't imagine why they were taken away from their office. This journal is being published officially after clearance from the Censor Board. They didn't do anything which violates any rule or law. I asked Ko Thet Zin too. He also doesn't have any idea why he was being interrogated," she added.
The Burma Media Association (BMA) called for the immediate release of Thet Zin, Sein Win Maung besides author Lay Lay Mun a.k.a. Phu Ngong (Teenage Magazine), blogger and author Nay Phone Latt, poets Min Han, Nay Htet Naing and Ko Ko Maung (Zaw Lu Sein) who were also arrested in 2008.