G mail banned in Mon State

G mail banned in Mon State
by -
Joi Htaw
The G mail website has been barred by bagan.net and users cannot receive mails in their in box even though they can use Google talk, said an internet user.
Joi Htaw, IMNA
17 October, 2007

The G mail website has been barred by bagan.net and users cannot receive mails in their in box even though they can use Google talk, said an internet user.
Normally, e mails can reach g mail inbox through G-talk by clicking the icon (M) underneath. However, this does not work in Burma.
Google talk is available and it can be used to get voice mail but it cannot open the mail box in Moulmein, the capital of Mon State .
An internet user in Mon State said, "We use www.hoooe.com to get in g mail. But, it is banned now and it says the page is accessed by Bagan net." 
Internet access in Burma had been stopped after information began flowing to foreign countries about the State Peace and Development Council's soldiers killing and arresting monks and civilians during last month's protests in Rangoon the former capital of Burma and other big cities.
Though Rangoon and other cities in Burma have regained internet access, Moulmein could do it only yesterday.