Villagers in the Kawkareik Township area claim the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army and its political wing the Klohtoobaw Karen Organization is taxing...
Burma’s Ministry of Immigration and Population (MOIP) in Hpa-An, Karen State along with the Norwegian Refugee council (NRC), has jointly launched a...
Fighting between the Karen National Liberation Army and the government’s Border Guard Force resulted in four BGF being killed two KNLA soldiers...
The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) leadership has stated that they will not consider proposals to form political parties or accept Burma...
Following yesterday’s meeting at the Aye Chan Pyo guesthouse in the Burma border town of Myawaddy, Burma government and Karen National Union (KNU)...
After she finishes her study, Naw Hsa K’Mwee Paw wants to become a medic to help her village. To achieve her dream Naw Hsa K’Mwee Paw has had to pay...
The Karenni National Progressive Party opened keep to ceasefire agreement with the government by opening its second and third liaison offices last...
Health organizations and non-governmental organizations from inside Burma and those based on the Thailand border attended a seminar on July 28 to...
People in the eastern Burma town of Kyain Seikgyi have welcomed a joint health campaign program by government and international malaria experts to...
The Kayin People’s Party says that all Burma’s political parties, including ethnic parties are planning to meet with President Thein Sein in the next...
Leaders from the Karen and Mon ethnic armed groups have called for Burma’s law makers to put in place legislation to protect ethnic minority’s rights.
Naw Dabora Htoo, education coordinator with the Karen Refugee Committee, said schoolteachers working in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma border are...
Asian World Company, the biggest infrastructure and construction company in Burma says it will re-house a hundred families relocated from Htone Bo...
Yesterday a gas explosion at the Andaman Seafood Company factory in Ranong, Southern Thailand, injured 27 Burmese migrant workers and two Thai...
It is early morning in Wa Su Ko village. It is quiet. Mist from the monsoon rains necklace the surrounding mountains. The small village is located...
