Burma’s Ministry of Immigration and Population (MOIP) in Hpa-An, Karen State along with the Norwegian Refugee council (NRC), has jointly launched a new program aiming to speed-up the distribution of Citizen Scrutiny Cards (CSC’s) to populations in remote areas of Burma.
“The joint collaboration features a free of charge, one-stop service through mobile teams that visit remote villages, bringing with them digital materials, equipment, transport and related technical support for processing of the CSC.” The Norwegian Refugee Council said in a media statement sent to Karen News.
“The one-stop service mobile teams provide a unique service piloted only in Kayin State [Karen State]. It allows the beneficiaries to obtain their CSC on the same day and usually within an hour or so.”
The Norwegian Refugee Council is an independent, humanitarian non-government organization that aims to provide assistance to refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) worldwide.
Norway’s Refugee Council says this documentation is vital to the protection of refugees, IDPs and civilians in general, as it “allows the individual to exercise basic rights to education, suffrage and freedom of movement.”
“It also brings the services to populations in far flung locations who, in time past, had difficulty to avail of it due to lack of resources and ease of access.” The NRC added.
As of the end of July over 13,000 people in Karen State had received their Citizen Scrutiny Cards. The joint program is set to run until the end of December this year, with seven townships and around 2,000 villages projected to get their Citizen Scrutiny Cards.