Villagers from Yay Phyu Township in Tanintharyi Region claim that heavy trucks used by the Italian-Thai Development Company for the Dawei Project are...
Parents of high school graduates in Three Pagoda Pass Town in Kyain Seikgyi Township, Karen State allege the headmistress of the school is demanding...
Today the Karen National Union issued an extraordinary statement detailing what appears to be a major split in their organization. The news of a...
The Mae Tao Clinic on the Thai Burma border treats as many as 150,000 migrants and refugees each year, has now called for the Burma government to...
Organizers of a peaceful protest in Rangoon last week said at the time that they were willing to test the law, now that authorities have arrested...
The regions biggest development investment will threaten local livelihoods, cause environmental risks, and could displace thousands of locals,...
The release of 19 Karen political prisoners has raised the hopes that the country’s remaining 800 prisoners of conscience will soon be freed.
A sign of the easing of restrictions on its citizens by the Burma government are that Karen languages are now being openly taught in a public space...
An influenza outbreak in Northern Pa-pun Township has infected more than 1,467 villagers including children, according to health workers.
Thai police have decided that the family of a Karen refugee killed in a road accident will be paid 235,000 baht compensation by the truck driver...
Gunshots disrupted the elections of the political wing of the armed militia, the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, when a former village head disagreed...
A humanitarian organisation that delivers aid to displaced communities in rural Burma reports that despite peace-talks between the Karen National...
Karenni people from different regions are keen to learn a Karenni language created in 1955 by the former chairman of the Karenni National Progressive...
The Karen National Union announced in a media statement that its third round of ‘peace-talks’ with the Burmese Government was a success and the two...
Burma’s Ministry of Immigration, working together with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), has issued 350 people living in the remote rural area of...
