The Thai government is refusing to extend its deadline for migrant workers to complete the Nationality Verification (NV) process needed to work in...
Migrant workers from Burma sit on benches in and outside an labor ‘agents’ office on a small dusty road in the back blocks of the Thai border town of...
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army took to the streets in the Burma border town of Myawaddy today calling on the Burma government to apologies for...
Hsa Keh village is a small fishing community – nothing more than a line of small bamboo houses with leaf roofing. Under a clear sky, three small...
The former Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, made a commitment during his visit to the Thai border town of Mae Sot that he would help lobby...
An independent human rights organization, Karen Human Rights Group have reported that thousands of unexploded landmines are a daily threat to the...
Villagers at a public meeting attended by government ministers, political organisations, community groups and developers called for new impact...
More than a 1,000 well-wishers turned up at the Child Development Center, a migrant school based in the Thai border town of Mae Sot, to celebrate Dr...
The United Nationalities Alliance, which represents leaders from many of Burma’s major ethnic groups, has released an open letter addressed to the U...
The first ever Karen Women’s seminar has been attended by more than 40 Karen women who work in a wide variety of fields, including education, health...
General Tamla Baw, the Karen National Union’s President resigned on the first day of the KNU’s 15th Congress held at Lay Wah Camp, Hlaing Bwe...
An ethnic political party will publish the first nationally distributed Karen magazine since the government launched its media reform agenda.
The Phan Foundation officially announced its call for nominees to enter the 5th year of the Padoh Mahn Sha Young Leader Award. The cut off date for...
Gen Tamla Baw, the 93-year-old Chairman of the Karen National Union (KNU), has announced his resignation and retirement.
Tavoyan people in Southern Burma, who will be evicted from their homes to make way for a deep sea port and industrial zone deny claims by the project...
