An ethnic political party will publish the first nationally distributed Karen magazine since the government launched its media reform agenda.
The Palon-Sagaw Party based in Pa-an Town in Karen State said the objective of the magazine is to get distribution of the first Kayin Thu Ri Ya (Karen The Sun) Magazine out to the whole of Burma and to inform people of the Karen history.
Mahn Aung Pyi Soe, the vice Chairperson of the Palon-Sagaw Party told Karen News that the Kayin Thu Ri Ya magazine was an objective of the party’s second anniversary plans and it will be distributed by the Karen New Year on 12th January 2013.
Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said that the magazine would be used to promote his party and its objectives.
“The magazine will be distributed in time for January. We will highlight Karen news and Karen history, we will also add some of our party activities and our news in the magazine.”
Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said the magazine focus will be about Karen politics, history, literature, traditions and will include other topics such as science, health and the Palon-Sagaw Party’s activities.
Saw Char Maung Coter will be the magazine editor and there will be a number of writers using pen-names that includes ‘Takatho Min Maung’ (also known as Mann Aung Pyi Soe), ‘Saya ThuDaMa Saw Thain’ (Karen state parliamentary member, Saw Thain Aung) and Naw YuZaNaWar and Saw NanDaKyaw will make up the editoral team and the magazine will have two senior news reporters.
Mann Aung Pyi Soe said the group has yet to decide on a price for the magazine.
“We can’t set the price of the magazine yet, as we don’t know the distributing costs, but our editors are now working on stories. We will distribute not only in Myanmar, but also in other countries. We will include Karen news from other countries as well.”
Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said initially the first time editions will be available in Burmese only, but it is planned later editions will be in Karen dependent on budget and human resources.
In August 20, 2012 the Nationalities Brotherhood Federation (NBF) stated that every ethnic group should distribute their own literature in their own regions.