Ten village-tracts have been ordered to pay 40 lakh Kyat for constructing a military barrack in Kyauk Gyi Township, northern Nyaung Lay Bin district, Karen State. The order was issued by Zaw Myo Nyunt, Chairman of Kyauk Gyi Township on October 17 ...
Ten village-tracts have been ordered to pay 40 lakh Kyat for constructing a military barrack in Kyauk Gyi Township, northern Nyaung Lay Bin district, Karen State. The order was issued by Zaw Myo Nyunt, Chairman of Kyauk Gyi Township on October 17. The barrack is meant for injured soldiers.
The village-tracts were to pay the money by October 20, according to the village headman.
“According to the chairman there will be four buildings constructed for injured soldiers. He wanted 40 lakhs Kyat from 10 village-tracts including our village. We had to pay this money by October 20. We have already sent some money and are still collecting from some villages,” he said.
The amount demanded is quite high. Some villagers who have farms and gardens can pay by the due date but daily wage earners cannot pay on time. Those unable to pay on time are facing many problems and have been threatened, the village headman said.
“We have past experience. If villagers cannot pay the demanded money on time they are restricted from travelling and threatened. Sometimes, the authorities accuse the villagers of having connection with the KNU and are fined. So, villagers are afraid and are trying to arrange the money as soon as possible,” he added.
There are 45 villages, including Pattalar, Innet, Lel Welgyi, Wel Ladaw, Kywetalin, Mamayar, Natthakwin, Htowaseik, Daungmo, and Kyauk Zayit village, which have to pay.
“Locals have faced a lot of problems in arranging for the money. Some families who have no money had to sell their gold and silver jewellery, farms and gardens making them daily wage earners,” he said.
Not only the township chairman but also the Burmese Army often asks for money from villagers. They also take porters from villages and force villagers to work in the military camp, according to locals.