Lack of voter education for Karen State people

Lack of voter education for Karen State people
by -
Saw Hkar Sunyar

Two months from the general election in Burma, political parties in the poll fray and the Election Commission have failed to impart voter education for people in Karen State...

Two months from the general election in Burma, political parties in the poll fray and the Election Commission have failed to impart voter education for people in Karen State. People have no clue regarding voting.

"Burma will hold general elections this year. I have no idea how to vote for a candidate. Nobody has come to educate us on how to go about voting. There is no training," Naw Htoo from Kawkareik Township in Karen State said.

The Karen State Election Commission has not begun voter education training yet, Saw Aung Pwint, chairman of the Karen State Election Commission told KIC.

"We are not imparting training for people in Karen State on how to vote. There has been no order on this from above. I am not sure when the order will come. Political parties are still registering with the EC," he said.

There are seven constituencies in Karen State and there are six political parties in the poll fray. Among the six political parties, candidates from Karen People's Party (KPP) will contest in Than Taung and Kyar Inn Seik Gyi Township. The All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMRDP) will contest in Kawkareik, Pa-an, and Kyar Inn Seik Gyi township.

Candidates from the Karen State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP), Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP), National Unity Party and Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) will contest in all constituencies in Karen State.

The political parties have not begun voter education for people in their constituencies and there is no distribution of pamphlets in Karen State. Ironically, many people still don't know the election date, a Pa-an township resident said.

"No political party member has come to talk to us about elections in our ward," she said.

KIC tried to contact Saw Khin Maung Myint, temporary chairperson of PSDP but he left for Nay Pyi Daw yesterday.

Even though the EC officially announced on 18 August that political parties can start election campaign in their respective areas, but party candidates, keen to contest in Karen State, have not kick started their election campaign yet.