Junta accuses KNU for causing explosion in Pha Pun

Junta accuses KNU for causing explosion in Pha Pun
by -
Saw Thein Myint
The Burmese military junta has pinned the blame for the bomb explosion on Karen New Year’s Day celebrations in Pha Pun town in Karen State...

The Burmese military junta has pinned the blame for the bomb explosion on Karen New Year’s Day celebrations in Pha Pun town in Karen State on 16 December on the KNU.

Seven civilians were killed and 10 men and one woman were injured in the explosion. The 2749th anniversary of the Karen New Year celebrations was held on the ground of a High School in ward No. 2 in Pha Pun town. The junta’s mouthpiece the Myanmar Alin newspaper reported that the explosion was masterminded by KNU members, who have been patrolling between Pha Pun and the border area.

Major Saw Kalae Doh, a spokesperson of KNU brigade 5, said that the explosion had nothing to do with them.

"I heard about the explosion. When I asked my company and battalion about the explosion, they said they were not involved and there was no order from above to do so. The explosion happened in the junta controlled area and that needs to be taken into account," Major Saw Kalae Dho told KIC.

The explosion occurred at about 9 p.m. -- 10 minutes walking distance from shops selling clothes and toys. As a result of the explosion there was a hole one inch deep and nine inches wide. Five millimeter diameter steel balls were seen on bamboo posts in the shop. According to the Myanmar Alin newspaper, authorities are investigating.  

Saw Hser Htekaw, a young Karen, said "actually, any Karen organization will not attack this kind of celebration. The junta is used to doing this kind of dirty job. The regime triggered bomb explosions in Rangoon but could not catch the perpetrators.  They have killed Buddhist monks. It could have been done to taint the image of KNU because the election is drawing close."

Karen, Pa-O, Burmese, Shan, Chinese and Muslims live in Pha Pun town. The Burmese Army’s Light Infantry Battalions 340, 341, 434, DKBA 777 brigade and Kasawar battalion are based in Pha Pun area.

On 11 November, the junta’s media said that KNU's members attacked a ferry traveling from Pa-ann and Shwe Gon. In the attack, three travelers were killed and two injured.