Food shortage haunts over 250 displaced Karen

Food shortage haunts over 250 displaced Karen
by -
Nan Htoo San
Acute shortage of food is staring over 250 displaced Karen people from Pha Pun region, northern Karen State in the face, sources in the region said. The displaced Karen people are from Hkalel Sekho ...

Acute shortage of food is staring over 250 displaced Karen people from Pha Pun region, northern Karen State in the face, sources in the region said.

The displaced Karen people are from Hkalel Sekho, Haw Thuu Pu and Lel Hkalawt village under Mae Mue sub-tract, in Buu Tho Township. All the villagers fled to the jungle since October 6 because they were threatened by the Kasaw War battalion and Maung Chit and Tin Win from the headquarter-escort battalion of DKBA 666 Brigade.

According to a Pha Pun local, the villagers could not carry sufficient stocks of rice and food leading to food shortage now.

"The DKBA is still active in the area and there are a total of 256 people hiding in the jungle. There are 38 houses in the village. They could not carry sufficient food, while fleeing and are afraid to go back to get it. DKBA soldiers have looted food and rice belonging to the villagers," a local told KIC.

Besides, "DKBA battalions threaten and force villagers to do all kinds of work for them. To make matters dangerous, they lay landmines around the village. So we are afraid to live in the village," he added.

Since the Burmese Army arrived in Pha Pun district in 1997, locals had to relocate from one place to another. Eventually they became homeless leading to perennial food shortage. Besides, there has been increased deployment of soldiers and more military operations in the region. This in turn has led to more and more people being displaced year after year.

In 2009, the Burmese Army and DKBA forces deployed more troops in the area. The soldiers have been killing and committing human rights abuses among locals. It's learnt that there are over 7,000 displaced Karen refugees in Buu Tho and Lu Thaw Township, in Pha Pun district.