KNU supports Karen businesses

KNU supports Karen businesses
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The Karen National Union in a move to get behind locally owned businesses has offered its support to Karen entrepreneurs.

TKDP-Company-officeThe Karen National Union’s Mergui-Tavoy District said it is ready to offer its support to Karen companies wanting to set up business in its area.

In a recent meeting in Dawei, with members of the recently founded and Karen owned business, Tenawtherie Kanyaw Development Public Company Limited, P’doh Saw Beeler confirmed his support.

“The KNU is ready to support any Karen company that wants to start a business. The KNU wants to see Karen people become more prosperous.”

The Tenawtherie Kanyaw Development Public Company Limited or TKDP Co.Ltd. is a Karen company based in Dawei, Southern Burma.

Naw Ta La, the managing director of TKDP told Karen News that the company would work for the benefit of the Karen people.

“Our company aim is to work for the benefit of the Karen people and to help contribute benefits in education, health and to the women and children impacted by the conflict.We want to see the lives of the Karen people develop.”

Naw Ta La said her company would specialise in the service industries.

“The TKDP is eligible to carry out business as a service provider, an importer and exporter of goods, construction, hotel and tourism, bus services, industry and gem stones.”

The KNU’s P’doh Saw Beeler admitted that a lack of financial resources for Karen companies is not the big issue, but a lack of expertise is the main challenge.

P’doh Saw Beeler told Karen News.

“The KNU is ready to help, facilitate and give advise on financial resources and what are the opportunities available to start a small business, this it is not a big problem. But most importantly the real need is for relevant expertise to run a company effectively.”