Mya Kan Thar Mining Company received permission from the State government to mine for antinomy in the Lay Thar Plaw area in Kyain Seikgyi Township in Karen State.
U Myo Aung Htay, secretary of the Karen State Administration Office signed, on behalf of the State Minister, a letter dated December 27, 2012 and sent to the Union Mining Minister at Naypyidaw requesting permission for the Mya Kan Thar Company to begin excavating 48 acres of land for antimony. The letter from the State official recommended that there was no reason to reject the company’s application.
When Karen News contacted U Myo Aung Htay, secretary of the State Administration Office who signed the letter, for comment, he referred Karen News to the State Mining Minister.
When Karen News contacted the Karen State Ministry of Forestry and Mining, U Saw Sar Lawla, a member of his personal staff [who asked to remain anonymous] said that they had not received the copy of the letter about the antimony excavation sent by State Administration Office to Naypyidaw.
Speaking to Karen News, the member of U Saw Sar Lawla’s staff said.
“We haven’t received the letter. However, mining in Lay Thar Plaw area may be an agreement of the whole State Government, I cannot talk on the individual position of that issue.”
The letter sent to the Union Minister stated that the decision to approve the Mya Kan Thar Company’s application was made during a State Government meeting held on December 19, 2012. It was recorded in the meeting’s minutes – number 29/2012, Meeting decision, paragraph 16.
The Mya Kan Thar Company sent copies of their proposal for antinomy mining to the following: the Chief Minister of Karen State, the State Ministry of Forestry and Mining office in Hpa-an, the Township Land Registration Department, Director of State, State Directorate of Forestry in Hpa-an Township, District Administrator, general District Administration office of KawKawreik Township, and Mya Kan Thar Mining Company Co.Ltd.
A Hpa-an resident said. “This is still an experiment. If the local people are asked about the impacts of the experiment, they can say nothing because they won’t understand the consequences.”
A group of 17 members of the Brilliant Myanmar Company, including 10 foreign experts from its partner company, Maxlux Holding Limited, asked for permission to survey the Ka Ma Maung region in Karen State. The State government gave them permission to carry out their survey from January 19 to February 9, 2013.