Ashin Pinnya Thami, the head monk from Taunggalay, sent a special Karen New Year blessing to all Karen people. In his public statement Ashin Pinnya Thami said.
“Today is the national New Year Day for all the Karen people. Today, the inherent nature of the entire Karen Nation can be seen in the features and characteristics of our race.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami requested Karen people to maintain three goals.
“As a free nation, to make a united effort to get all the rights for a free people to govern themselves, 2, maintain the traditions, culture, and rituals, established by our ancestral fathers and mothers and 3, live together peacefully with others for the success of our Nation.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami reminded Karen people that, “as free people, we have to be aware that we are responsible to protect humanity from unsympathetic and violent political systems. We have to know that we must non-violently resist the behavior of immoral politicians, who would destroy the people and the social order.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami said that the Karen, “are responsible to work for prestige, freedom, justice, and peace, as the basic foundation for all human rights.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami reminded Karen people that it is their “duty to prevent any system from becoming established in this world, which encourages the neglect of human rights, the breaking of human dignity, or cruelty.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami urged Karen people resist politicians and people who restrict their right to liberty and freedom– “freedom of belief, freedom from fear, and freedom from poverty, we must, together, resist those who want to destroy these freedoms.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami said Karen must remain vigilant “to prevent revolution by weapons, or wars, which destroy the peoples’ human rights.”
Ashin Pinnya Thami gave his blessings to all of the Karen people and asked that the “join hands, that peace comes quickly to our Karen people and that he wars that rely on weapons power must stop.”