The Karen National Union’s vice chairman, Saw David Tharc Kapaw, acknowledged that Burma’s recent cabinet reshuffle has cast President U Thein Sein as a reformer.
The KNU leader told Karen News.
“I see a positive change. These newly appointed people are not regarded as narrow minded and self-serving. I think President U Thein Sein is a reformer who really wants there to be change.”
David Tharc Kapaw says he has done his own analysis of the recent reforms in Burma and that there will be power struggle between President Thein Sein’s government and the Burma Army.
David Tharc Kapaw points to the country’s 2008 Constitution that officially allows the Burma Army to automatically have 25% of seats in parliament.
President U Thein Sein announced a major cabinet reshuffle on Monday August 27 – promoting Railway Minister, U Aung Min, Industry Minister, U Soe Thein, National Planning and Economic Development Minister, U Tin Naing Thein, Finance and Revenue Minister U Hla Tun.
According to the President’s order ministers reassigned to new positions are – U Aung Kyi (From Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement to Ministry of Information), U Kyaw Hsan (From Ministry of Information to Ministry of Cooperatives), U Ohn Myint (From Ministry of Cooperatives and of Livestock and Fisheries to Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries), U Aye Myint (From Ministry of Science and Technology to Ministry of Industry), U Tint Hsan (From Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and of Sports to Ministry of Sports).
The Ministry positions are as follows:
1. U Soe Thein – Ministry of President Office (From Ministry of Industry)
2. U Aung Min – Ministry of President Office (From Ministry of Rail Transportation)
3. U Hla Tun – Ministry of President Office (From Ministry of Finance and Revenue)
4. U Tin Naing Thein – Ministry of President Office (From Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development)
5. U Aung Kyi – Ministry of Information (From Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement)
6. U Kyaw Hsan – Ministry of Cooperatives (From Ministry of Information)
7. U Ohn Myint – Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (From Ministry of Cooperatives and of Livestock and Fisheries)
8. U Aye Myint – Ministry of Industry (From Ministry of Science and Technology)
9. U Tint Hsan – Ministry of Sport (From Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and of Sports)
Deputy ministers included the following:
1. Police Maj-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun (Ministry of Home Affairs)
2. U Paik Htwe (Ministry of Information)
3. U Than Swe (Ministry of Culture)
4. U Aung Thein (Ministry of President Office)
5. Dr Lin Aung (Ministry of Finance and Revenue)
6. U Hset Aung (Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development)
7. Dr Daw Khin San Yi (Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development)
8. Daw Su Su Hlaing (Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement)
9. U Thaung Tin (Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs)
10. U Htin Aung (Ministry of Energy)
11. Brig-Gen Win Myint (Ministry of Immigration and Population)
12. U Aye Myint Maung (Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry)
13. Dr Daw Thet Thet Zin (Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry)
14. U Thaung Htaik (Ministry of Sports)
15. Dr Daw Thein Thein Htay (Ministry of Health)