Khonumthung News

Certain Chin leaders are among the 1,147 names removed from Burma’s blacklist by the office of President Thein Sein on 30 August.
Undisciplined motorcycle riders in Hakha, the capital of Chin state in Burma, are helping to line the pockets of local traffic police.
In a move to eradicate opium cultivation, the Chin state government proposed to replace poppy plantations in Tonzang Township, an area known for its...
Eight members of the Chin National Front (CNF) attended a workshop addressing the ‘Protection of Women and Children’ organized by Geneva Call on the...
The Public Consultation Organizing Committee (PCOC) was recently started by the Chin National Front (CNF) in Than Tlang Town where a liaison office...
Network for Chin Civil Societies (NCCS) met to discuss solutions for human rights abuses in Hakha, the capital city of Chin state.
A petition letter with 279 signatures demanding adequate electricity for Paletwa residents in Chin state was sent to Burma’s President Thein Sein, on...
A Chin National Front (CNF) Public Consultation Committee was set up in Matupi in Chin state on July 13. The creation of the committee follows the...
Paletwa residents will submit a petition letter to President Thein Sein demanding adequate electricity.
A So Zang villager died after being beat up by Burmese military soldiers when he got in their way while they were extorting money from a cyclist in...
An attack on a restaurant owner Miss Ma Mang, by Burmese Military Security Service Corporal Zin Htwe on June 29 in Teddim, Chin State, Burma, was...
In an effort to provide reforestation for Chin State, in Burma, over 2,340 trees were planted in capital city Hakha, and Falam last month, on request...
Two Burmese soldiers who were carrying AK-47s were arrested by troops of the Assam Rifles in Champhai District, Mizoram, India, on July 3.
A second Chin National Front (CNF) liaison office was inaugurated in Than Tlang, Chin State, on June 29.
Chin State received the lowest score in college examination results for the last academic year in the entire country.
