Khonumthung News

A free school has been opened for Burmese children living in Mizoram, in Northeast India on October 26. It has been named ‘Moe Toah Star’ (Dawn Star...
Burmese junta authorities in Chin state have refused to issue national identity cards for Indian tribes living in different parts of the state...
The Zomi National Congress (ZNC) in a statement said it will not participate in the 2010 general elections in Burma without the constitution being...
The Tonzang Township Darkhai village based LIB 268 of the Burmese Army seized 16 bulls that were being taken to Mizoram state in Northeast India on...
Incessant heavy rains destroyed lands and private gardens in Falam town, Chin state western Burma on October 3. The torrential rains caused mudslides...
Burmese authorities have been extending the road near Lake Rih, in Falam Township, Chin State, on the Indo-Myanmar border. Work on the road began...
The Young Mizo Association (YMA) in Mizoram, in northeast India, has been compiling a list of Burmese people in the state. The census started in June...
A number of Chin people have died due to lack of medical treatment and medicines during severe famine in Paletwa Township, southern Chin State in...
The United Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) and the National United Party (NUP) are at loggerheads over the forthcoming 2010 general...
The Kalemyo River, which is also called Myita River overflowed its banks and inundated the highway bringing to a halt vehicles, which plied on the...
In some remote villages of Chin state, wild dogs have been killing domestic animals like chickens, cows, bulls and horses. According to a reporter of...
Burmese Army authorities of the Thantlang township based military camp LIB 266 have ordered villagers from 40 villages to renovate military camps, in...
The Chin National Army (CNA) has conducted a human rights awareness programme to discourage use of child soldiers in its armed wing. The programme...
Burmese military junta authorities have banned travel for those selected for a military training programme out of their respective locations in Falam...
The Hakha Town Peace and Development Council (TPDC) has collected donations of Kyat 6000 from each family for renovating the ‘Revolution Lake,’...
