Wild dogs kill domestic animals in villages in Chin state

Wild dogs kill domestic animals in villages in Chin state
In some remote villages of Chin state, wild dogs have been killing domestic animals like chickens, cows, bulls and horses. According to a reporter of Khonumthung News almost 50 domestic animals have been killed ...

In some remote villages of Chin state, wild dogs have been killing domestic animals like chickens, cows, bulls and horses.

According to a reporter of Khonumthung News almost 50 domestic animals have been killed by wild dogs in central Thantlang townships. In Vanzam village, 40 miles from Thantlang town, 20 bulls were killed and in Sophan village more than 20 bulls were killed.

Wild dogs hunt in groups and there are at least 60 dogs in a group making it easy for them to kill domestic animals.

“The wild dogs kill our animals in the field, even though we erected fencing for our pigs,” a local said.

Chin people keep cattle and it is one of their main sources of income. They meet the expenses of their sons and daughters by selling domestic animals.

However, now the villagers are worried about their animals being killed by wild dogs. “We cannot do anything without our bulls as we are cultivators. We don’t know how to survive without our bulls next year. On the other hand we have to pay school fees for our children,” he added.

It is learnt that the same situation had prevailed in some villages of Matupi Township, Chin state in 2005 when wild dogs killed 30 cows and bulls.