Khonumthung News

In Chin state, western Burma several types of campaigns are afoot for the forthcoming 2010 general elections by the military junta backed Union...
The military regime in Burma has officially announced the names of candidates of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) for the 2010...
In a bid to prevent the outbreak of Swine Flu within its territory, the Mizoram government has started restricting the import of pigs from Burma...
With the No-2 Indo-Myanmar border road blocked, traders and casual labourers are in a spot because their goods cannot be exported to Mizoram state in...
The Burmese Army battalion Light Infantry Battalion (LIB)No. 289 based in Simi village, Paletwa township, western Chin state, Burma, is forcing...
Fares of buses plying on the highway have gone up. For instance bus fares in Kalaymyo, Sagaing division, western Burma and Mandalay city in central...
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), has supplied some rice to nine villages in Matupi Township, in southern Chin State, western Burma, as...
The people of Chin state, western Burma are disappointed with the visit of Divisional Officer General, Tin Ngwe, for the development of the border...
Candidates of the Union Solidarity Development Association (USDA), in Chin State , Burma , are being backed financially as well as with manpower by...
Junta officials are actively campaigning for the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Chin state, western Burma. They started campaigning from the...
The Union Solidarity and Development Association of Kalemyo has been campaigning for the forthcoming general elections scheduled for 2010, from the...
The Township Peace and Development Council of Falam Township, Chin state has cut salaries of government employees as contribution for the Burmese...
The Town Peace and Development Council of Falam Township, has been collecting donations from civilians for their own group in Chin state, Burma. A...
The market price of chilies has been declining steadily in Chin state, Burma and it has had a direct impact on the cultivators. According to a report...
Six houses were gutted and reduced to ashes in a fire in Hakha city in Chin state, Burma , on March 26, 2009. A local person reported that the fire...
