Chin state tactical commander campaigns for 2010 election

Chin state tactical commander campaigns for 2010 election
In Chin state, western Burma several types of campaigns are afoot for the forthcoming 2010 general elections by the military junta backed Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) and the Town Peace and Development Council (TPDC)...

In Chin state, western Burma several types of campaigns are afoot for the forthcoming 2010 general elections by the military junta backed Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) and the Town Peace and Development Council (TPDC).

A report said that the Chairman of TPDC, No. 1 tactical commander Hung Ngai visited Rihkhawdar on the Indo-Myanmar border town on 28 April 2009 at 10 a.m. and met government employees, USDA members, women’s association members and social groups. In all about 70 members attended the meeting.

“We were told to reach the Town Hall before 10 a.m. by the authorities. We were about 70. When the tactical commander arrived he addressed us regarding the election and the security concerns,” said a member.

In fact, the chief guest mainly campaigned for the forthcoming general elections and mobilized support for the candidates of the Union Solidarity and Development Association. He asked the participants to beware of the Opposition. He also promised to enforce border security.

After the meeting he oversaw Jethropha plantations in Rihkhawdar and also checked the construction of the Tiau and Rihkhawdar Bridges. He left for Kalemyo by jeep at 3 p.m.