Khonumthung News

Burmese military regime approved poppy fields are increasing by the year in Tonzang Township, northern Chin state in Burma. A local in Tongzang told...
A number of youths have been forced to flee to Mizoram state in northeast India to avoid being conscripted by the Burmese Army for military training...
Burmese Army personnel posted in Chin state are selling their rations – rice, beans and milk, which they get from the central government, after which...
A number of middle aged and elderly people have set up a new social group called ‘Rual U’ in Thantlang town, Chin state, western Burma. The group was...
The Burmese Army is collecting money from vehicle drivers along the Kale-Tiau on the Indo-Myanmar border of western Burma. A local said military...
The Chin National Council (CNC) has urged cease fire groups to stop transforming their armed wings to a border guard force under Burmese Army control...
Economic deterioration and the consequent rise in unemployment in Burma have resulted in a sharp rise in thefts and petty burglaries in many places...
Most educated youth are facing unemployment as there are very few posts under the Burmese government in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division, Western Burma...
The Tidim Township based LIB 269 of the Burmese Army has seized 19 bulls that were being taken to Mizoram state India and have demanded a large...
Mara social organizations and religious leaders have rejected the Mara People’s Army (MPA). They declared it an illegal group on 18 July in Mara...
The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) authorities have been preparing a military training programme for civilians of Matupi Township, in...
More than 30 families from Chin state, western Burma, recently fled to neighboring Mizoram in northeast India because of the on-going famine. A...
The Chin National Front (CNF) in a statement on August 12 has condemned the sentencing of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 18 months in...
The Mizoram based Carson Baptist Church has opened a bible school for poor people from Burma in Zarkawt block in Aizawl city capital of Mizoram in...
Money from the public was collected by the Education Department to organize games for primary schools in different parts of Chin state in western...
