Games in primary school held with public money

Games in primary school held with public money
Money from the public was collected by the Education Department to organize games for primary schools in different parts of Chin state in western Burma last month...

Money from the public was collected by the Education Department to organize games for primary schools in different parts of Chin state in western Burma last month.

The outdoor games began on July 20 in Falam Township and were continued in other townships in Chin state. The Burmese Education Department authorities collected Kyat 2000 from each family in the respective townships.

"We paid Kyat 2000 each from our tract for Lungbang High School, which has seven villages," a local said.

Although the competitive games were forcibly held by the Education Department, no financial or material assistance was forthcoming from the department. All expenses included those for prizes were met from the pockets of students' parents, a student said.

"We paid not only Kyat 2000 but also bought sport dresses for ourselves," he added.

Likewise, primary schools in other parts of Chin state also held the games with public money in July 2009. There are about 1058 government primary schools in Chin state.

In previous years, primary school games were held annually in the month of December in the entire country. However, the final examination for this academic year will be held in December so school games were shifted to July.