Educated Chin youths fleeing to avoid election in Burma

Educated Chin youths fleeing to avoid election in Burma

Disgusted with the Burmese military junta’s election slated for November 7, which they believe to be a sham and not likely to be free and fair,....

Disgusted with the Burmese military junta’s election slated for November 7, which they believe to be a sham and not likely to be free and fair, most educated Chin youths are crossing the border to Mizoram in the northeast state of India from Chin state and Sagaing division to avoid participating.

“On a regular basis at least five to 10 youths are crossing the border daily to avoid voting. If they stay in Burma they will be coerced to cast votes,” said Pu Muana, a restaurant owner in Aizawl city.

A source said that the main reason for Chin youths fleeing to the neighbouring country is because the junta has already arranged for the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) to win the election. They do not want to participate in a sham election.

“We 20 youths arrived in Aizawl on 15 September. Others will follow us,” said a resident of Farthawk block in Falam town.

“The USDP will go into the elections using strong arm tactics as it has the backing of the military. We will be forced to cast votes for the party if we stay in our village,” said a villager in Letpanchaung, Kalemyo Township.

However, these people are coming at a time when the Mizoram government is arresting illegal entrants from Burma into Mizoram state.

“The youths are aware of the Mizoram government’s actions, but they have nowhere else to go and are helpless,” said a Chin elder in Aizawl city.

Meanwhile, it is learnt that Chin youths are not only crossing over to India but also crossing over to other neighbouring countries.