Chin Progressive Party nominates 41 candidates in Chin state

Chin Progressive Party nominates 41 candidates in Chin state

The Chin Progressive Party (CPP) is nominating 41 parliamentary candidates for the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Chin state on November 7...

3 September 2010: The Chin Progressive Party (CPP) is nominating 41 parliamentary candidates for the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Chin state on November 7.

The party had wanted to nominate 50 candidates but given the financial constraints it can put up 41 candidates in the election fray.

“We could not arrange for Kyat 5 lakhs for each candidate in time, so we reduced the number of nominees,” Pu Nothankap, party president told Khonumthung News.

The CPP will not have candidates in Makui division and Rakhai state where many Chin people live. It will not contest in Thantlang and Hakha townships in Chin state either.

The party president said that CPP will contest in Chin state and Sagaing division for seats in the National Parliament (upper house), People’s Parliament (lower house) and State Parliament. The party expects to garner support from people in all the constituencies it will contest in.

Meanwhile, the Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP), which is also one of the Chin parties has already sent a list of three candidates to the Election Commission.

Khonumthung News could not contact leaders of the Chin National Party (CNP) for details of the party’s candidature.