Army seizes bulls for leaks to news groups

Army seizes bulls for leaks to news groups

Soldiers of the Burmese Army LIB 266 based in Tedim town, Chin state seized 20 bulls from bull traders....

19 August 2010: Soldiers of the Burmese Army LIB 266 based in Tedim town, Chin state seized 20 bulls from bull traders on August 12 because they have been leaking their bitter experiences with the army to news groups outside the country.

“They did not accept bribe. The reason behind seizing our bulls is that we report our experiences with the army to news groups outside Burma. Troops seized all our bulls as penalty,” said a bull trader.

The bull traders are from Chinsu village in Kalemyo Township, Sagaing division. They were detained on the way along Darkhai village in Tidim Township, while transporting the 20 bulls to Mizoram northeast state of India.
“The market price of a bull is Kyat 2 to 3 lakhs in Kalemyo. We tried to pay Kyat 6 lakhs to the soldiers but they did not accept it and took away the bulls,” he added.

Soldiers in Chin state routinely seize bulls from traders and take about Kyat 20,000 a bull as tax before handing them back to the owners.

The bull traders export bulls to India, Bangladesh by road and even send them to Malaysia by ship. About 500 to 1000 bulls a day are sent from Burma.

Most of the bulls sent to India are from Chin state, Arakan state, Shan state, Kaya state, Karen state and Tanintayi division in Burma. However, the traders face extortion, collection of excessive tax and seizure of bulls by Burmese military personnel.