Chin Students Union conference in New Delhi

Chin Students Union conference in New Delhi
A conference of the Chin Students Union (CSU) was held by 20 Chin students in New Delhi, India on May 1. The conference elected leaders for the 2010-2012 academic...

A conference of the Chin Students Union (CSU) was held by 20 Chin students in New Delhi, India on May 1. The conference elected leaders for the 2010-2012 academic years.

“The members of our Chin students union are few in number as it is made up of day students. We also suffer financial constraints and still face language problems. We discussed the problems we are facing now and how to resolve it as a union. We especially included the issue of school admission for newcomers in our conference,” newly elected President Mr. Lai Tha told Khonumthung News.

The conference was also attended by Mr. Thang Yen, Vice Chairman of Chin National Front and President of Chin National Council (CNC). He said that CSU is helping out in educational uplift of the future generation.

“I believe they can take responsibilities, as they are young and the CNC supports them. The most important thing is they have to be united and stand out as a union in New Delhi.

The conference resolved to establish a network for Chin students in and out of India, to bring back human rights and to restore democracy in Burma, said Mr. Salai Lai Tha, President of CSU.

Newly elected leaders of the CSU are Mr. Lai Tha, President, Mr. Salai Tluang zathang, Vice President, Mr. Salai Nyelyn, Secretary, Mr. Salai Lallenmawi, Assistant Secretary, Ms. Biaknemmawi, Treasurer, and Ms. Lalnunpui, Financial Secretary.

Chin Students Union was established in 1991 by Chin students who had fled Burma to New Delhi because of the military junta’s persecution.-