Army detains 15 youths for recruitment

Army detains 15 youths for recruitment
Burmese Army authorities based in Tamu town, Sagaing division detained 15 youths from a traditional concert in January for recruitment...

Burmese Army authorities based in Tamu town, Sagaing division detained 15 youths from a traditional concert in January for recruitment in the military.

“The traditional concert was organized by the military at the Town Park (Myomah Panchan) in Tamu town for three days. During the concert military personnel detained 13 youths for recruitment as soldiers,” said a local in Tamu.

The military authorities detained the youth on false charges of being inebriated.

“The arrested 13 youths have been sent to Ingdygi military training center in Kalemyo, Sagaing division,” said a local.

The authorities have been known to resort to such tricks earlier. They arrest drunken youths at concerts or festivals and then ask their families to pay at least Kyat 20,000 to free them. If their families fail to do so, the youths are sent to the military training centre.

“The army looks for youths at railway stations, cinema halls, bus terminals, concerts and festival venues to recruit them into the military,” a local in Kalemyo said.

Earlier, in Burma, if a person was recruited in the military he could show the recommendation of the village or block till 1988, but after the SPDC grabbed power and ruled the country youths are forcibly recruited in the military.

A source in Tamu town said that most of the soldiers who are serving under the State Peace and Development Council are thieves, under age, orphans and uneducated