Welfare association helps Burmese students in Mizoram

Welfare association helps Burmese students in Mizoram
The Mizoram based Burmese Social Welfare Association provided financial assistance to 43 Burmese students on 9 January in Mizoram state, ...

The Mizoram based Burmese Social Welfare Association provided financial assistance to 43 Burmese students on 9 January in Mizoram state, northeast India.

“We provided financial support for education among the Burmese youth  in Mizoram and for the parents to educate them so they do not go for weaving or work as labourers ,” said Mr. Zaw Thun.

The children are very intelligent and some received scholarship and were among the top three in Mizoram. However, this time it is not for just prize winners but for others who badly need education.

Such financial assistance to the children of Burmese migrant workers has been on for three years and 58 students have received assistance in two years. This time around 19 high school students were given Rs. 600 per head and 24 primary students were given Rs. 400 each.

“The prices of commodities are going up by the day and we are struggling for our livelihood, at the same time we have to spend more money for school fees for our children. Fortunately the Burmese Social Welfare Association has given us financial assistance for our children,” said a mother of a student in Mizoram.

The Association (BSWA) told Khonumthung News that the funds were received from the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB) in Thailand, for supporting Burmese students in Mizoram. Although it is not certain whether the exercise can be continued next year, it will try its level best for the needy, said the Chairmen of BSWA.

There are about 100 Burmese students enrolled in Mizoram Board of School Education now and 20 to 30 of the age of 10 are not eligible to attend school. The estimated budget for a primary student is about Rs. 10,000 a year. –