Junta rejects proposal to construct bridge

Junta rejects proposal to construct bridge
The Burmese military junta authorities in upper Myanmar , Kalemyo in Sagaing Division have rejected the proposal of constructing a bridge along Kale-Letpanchaung by a group of Christian churches on December 2008...

The Burmese military junta authorities in upper Myanmar , Kalemyo in Sagaing Division have rejected the proposal of constructing a bridge along Kale-Letpanchaung by a group of Christian churches on December 2008.

A report said that a Christian Catholic church had tried to construct the Sezi Bridge, which was to be located between Tlangzawl and Sezi village, four miles  from Kalemyo. But the proposal was rejected by the local authority.

A local said that, "The project was meant to benefit the people not the church. The Catholic Church would have constructed it with its own money. They did not even ask the authorities for financial help. It is unfortunate that it was rejected".

A Catholic church Father Mangthang said that they had thought of constructing the bridge for vehicles to cross over easily.

The bridge was mainly to be used by northwestern villagers of Kalemyo as an approach way to Kalemyo. The river dries up in summer and is flooded in the rainy season. It becomes difficult to cross for local people while traveling.

The local villagers used to construct a ropeway-bridge every rainy season as floods swept away the bridge. To resolve the problem, the Wesley Hospital in Kalemyo had proposed constructing the bridge, but it has rejected by local authorities in 2008.

In 2008 July, floods swept away the bridge and the villagers set up an action committee for construction of the bridge. They had collected Kyat 1000 per family to make a ropeway-bridge.

The action committee members were collecting Kyat 50 per person, Kyat 100 for bicycles, and Kyat 200 for motorcycles who cross the bridge. The funds were meant for renovation.

An official of the Catholic Church said, "If the government permits construction of a better bridge the villagers and vehicle owners will not need to contribute to the fund. But, it totally depends on the government. We don't know when it will be reconstruct.