Heavy winds destroy rice plantations

Heavy winds destroy rice plantations
Gusts of high speed wind destroyed rice plantations on October 27 and 28, in Thantlang, Chin state, sources said. The exact area where the damaged occurred is Lungding 28 miles from Thantlang Township. The rice seeds were blown away ...

Gusts of high speed wind destroyed rice plantations on October 27 and 28, in Thantlang, Chin state, sources said.

The exact area where the damaged occurred is Lungding 28 miles from Thantlang Township. The rice seeds were blown away and paddy stems broken in the farms, said a villager.

"There is nothing to harvest as all stems are broken and seeds are blown off by the wind blowing at high speeds," said a member of the Village council from Lungding village.

Although there were no casualties' two houses have been destroyed in Lungding village. At the same time in the neighboring villages paddy fields have been completely destroyed by the wind.

"We don't have any hopes of harvesting paddy. We, therefore, don't know whether we can celebrate Christmas," he added.

The villagers in these areas are facing famine conditions. The situation will only worsen.

Many are going hungry and seeking food in neighboring villages and Mizoram state in India.

Early this year, the villagers of Thantlang Township with relatives abroad received help and procured rice. However, the military has been collecting tax from the villagers.