Child prisoners in Burmese concentration camp

Child prisoners in Burmese concentration camp
About 10 child prisoners under the age of 18 are languishing in the Inntainglay concentration camp in Kalay Township, Sagaing Division in northwest Burma. They have been confined in the camp ...

About 10 child prisoners under the age of 18 are languishing in the Inntainglay concentration camp in Kalay Township, Sagaing Division in northwest Burma. They have been confined in the camp by the military junta authorities, according to prison sources.

"There are around 10 child prisoners, including two girls in Inntainglay concentration camp. I was only 17 years old when I was taken to the prison camp," said a prisoner from Chin state who was released from Inntainglay camp last month.

Most of child prisoners in Inntainglay are being imprisoned for stealing, a prisoner from Chin state said. 

A former Chin prisoner also said that prison authorities had tried to persuade child prisoners in Inntainglay to join and serve in the Burmese Army. They refused.

"The camp authorities told them that they will be freed from prison if they serve in the army," a former Chin prisoner said.

To make matters worse the prison authorities keep confiscating half the food and money the prisoner's parents or relatives bring when they come to visit the prisoners.

"I received only half the food and money from my parents or relatives. Sometimes, I didn't get anything as the authorities kept them all," a former Chin prisoner complained.

It is also learnt that because of poor medical facilities in Inntainglay concentration camp, at least one prisoner dies every month.