Unequal distribution of water in Thangtlang, Chin state

Unequal distribution of water in Thangtlang, Chin state
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Khonumthung News
Locals in Thangtlang town in Chin state, Burma have been facing an acute shortage of water because the municipal authorities are distributing water to a handful people close to the regime with business backgrounds.
Locals in Thangtlang town in Chin state, Burma have been facing an acute shortage of water because the municipal authorities are distributing water to a handful people close to the regime with business backgrounds.
Since January this year, U That Mang, in-charge of the municipal office in Thangtlang, allegedly began favouring those who could pay extra money. The water supply was for people from among the local authorities and those who served them in need. The civic body has been ignoring people from ordinary backgrounds when it comes to distributing water.
"They mainly distribute water to a group from better financial backgrounds. The common people receive little water," a local complained.
For water connection fee, the locals have been asked to pay Kyat 1000 per month to the municipal office, a local in Chin state said.
People in Thangtlang were said to be frustrated with the injustice of municipal authorities.
The municipal office draws the water along a pipeline that connects a stream located about five miles from Thangtlang for public consumption.
In order to beat the authorities at their own game, the neglected locals plan to draw water on their own, according to a local.
The locals collected Kyat 5,000 from each household and bought a pipe to draw water from a nearby stream.