Chin state government holds meeting to prevent human trafficking

Chin state government holds meeting to prevent human trafficking
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Concerned about human trafficking the Chin state government held a special meeting in the Hakha Town Hall on Sept. 12 to find ways to prevent and protect people from trafficking in Myanmar.

During the meeting, Chief Minister Pu Hung Ngai discussed about the dangers of human trafficking. It’s estimated that 26 million people are being trafficked globally. Many women are being forced into sex trade, or as house maids. Other cases involve hard labour. The government has projects to eliminate illegal human trafficking. They also made agreements with neighboring countries like China and Thailand to prevent human trafficking.

The Human Trafficking Protection Chairman for Chin state U Myint Aung Chin spoke about a recent agreement with the US to monitor human trafficking in Myanmar.

The Chin state human trafficking protection group that runs from 2012-16 is made up of 12 state-level committee members and 12 from district and township levels.