Pillar erected in Mizoram to mark new border trade agreement

Pillar erected in Mizoram to mark new border trade agreement
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A pillar was recently erected by Lalrinliana Sai, the minister of trade and commerce for Mizoram state in India to mark the Indo-Myanmar border trade agreement in Saikhumphai village where many Chin people reside.

Saikhumphai bawkThe Minister invited village leaders from both Saikhumphai and Vaphai village councils as a peace building measure. Conflicts between the two villages have been ongoing for many years. Recently many Chin families from Myanmar that were living in Saikhumphai had their houses burned by Vaphai residents. Some were also deported.

During the placing of the trade monument the minister told the attendees that they are all brothers and sisters that they are all “derived from one tribe”.

“We have to forget all the chaos in the past and we have to be proud of having a border trade centre for the benefit of India and Myanmar,” he said.

The Sakhumphai village Chairman Pu T. Lalchawivela also expressed his gratitude.

“We are very thankful to the government and are welcoming the border trade center in this place.”

Vaphai village Council President Pu Saithansiama gave his thanks for Lalrinliana Sai initiatives towards unifying the two villages.  

A new border trade road will cross from Mizoram, India to Hakha town in Chin state, Myanmar.