CNF camp monitored by Myanmar Army

CNF camp monitored by Myanmar Army
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Military operations at Chin National Army (CAN) headquarters in Victoria Camp near the Indo- Myanmar border is being monitored by Burma army personnel from Kalemyo, Sagaing Region.

Burma army Lieutenant Colonel Kyaw and 60 soldiers met with CAN personnel in Tlangpi village near Victoria Camp on 16 June. They also visited Van Zang village also located near the headquarters. The same day they visited Victoria Camp.

CNF Lieutenant Colonel Sang Lian Thang said the visit “was to verify” if the camp was set up according to agreements “between the CNF and central government of Myanmar”.

Victoria Camp was allowed to be set up by the CNA after their political wing the Chin National Front (CNF) inked a ceasefire with the government on Jan.6 of last year.