Regional Burma Army Commanders Visit Chin State

Regional Burma Army Commanders Visit Chin State
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Top military leaders visited Paletwa Township in Chin State on Nov.4  to discuss regional security and development.

Lieutenant General Hla Min, commander of Tactical Operation Command and Brigadier General Ko Ko Naing, commander of Western command flew to the township that is situated near the border of Bangladesh and Arakan State.

Traders who depend on the Kaladan River to ship goods from Kyawdaw in Arakan State to Paletwa Township worry fallout from the sectarian violence could spread to their region.

“Traders don’t dare to travel. Security is very important for local people,” said one trader.

About 30 Tura Lang villagers in Paletwa Township met the two army commanders during their visit. The commanders donated  300,000 Kyat (US $352.73) to village leaders.