New Domestic Airport Planned In Chin State

New Domestic Airport Planned In Chin State
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Falam Township, Chin State: A new domestic airport in Surbung Mountain in Falam Township is in the works by the central government.

“The place is suitable for an airport. The government’s decision is welcomed,” said United Zo Indigenous People leader Pu Ro Za Thang.

The Surbung airport, which will be built 10 miles from Falam Town, is expected to greatly improve transportation from the region to Hakha and other destinations.

A survey group led by U Thant Zaw Moe from Myanmar Airline made a recent field visit to Chin State.

The construction committee includes; Transport Minister of Chin State Dr. Ngun San Aung, lawyer Pu Kap Tial, several Hluttaw Falame representatives and some locals.

Formerly the Surbung Mountain was used by British forces as a temporary landing field for their pilots during World War 2.