Matupi Dance Group Steals The Show During Chin Cultural Competition

Matupi Dance Group Steals The Show During Chin Cultural Competition
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A Matupi cultural dance group was awarded the maximum number of prizes during a state-level cultural dance competition, in Chin state capital, Hakha, Burma.

The competition, which took place from Oct. 14-15, was attended by Colonel Zaw Min Oo, the security and border affairs minister of Chin state, the minister of social affairs, and the minister of agriculture.

Eight-townships competed in various categories, which included;  bamboo and individual dances, singing, instrumental music and mixed gender duets.

The Matupi dance troupe won first prize in cultural bamboo dance, group song, and individual singer categories. Performers from  Mindat Township took the second prize.

The Matu cultural dance received the first prize with their presentation of the Khotue cultural dance of Matu.

The Matupi cultural dance group was awarded 20,000 Kyats (US $23.48) by Colonel Han Tu, Tactical- II commander,  and 10,000 Kyats (US $11.74) by Chin National Front’s (CNF) liaison office in Matupi, in-charge officer.