Matu cultural group wins dance competition in Matupi

Matu cultural group wins dance competition in Matupi
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A township-level cultural dance competition concluded on 1 September 2012 in Matupi, the second capital of Chin state in Burma.

The dance competition was held in Bungtla Hall and inaugurated by Colonel Han Tu, Tactical-II commander of southern Chin state, said a local from Matupi Town.

The event was organized by the Township administration department, and the winner will participate in a state-level contest.

Dai, Matu, Mara and Zotung dances were performed at the competition. The Matu cultural dance received first prize with its presentation of the Khotue dance of Matu.

The winning group was awarded 20,000 Kyats by Colonel Han Tu and 10,000 Kyats from the head of Matupi Chin National Front’s liaison office.

The winning Matu cultural dance group will participate in a state-level competition in October 2012 hosted in Hakha, the capital of Chin state.