CNF peace delegation begins public consultation in Chin state

CNF peace delegation begins public consultation in Chin state
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The Chin National Front (CNF) began its first public consultation from May 3, at the Bungtla Hal, in Matupi, southern Chin State,  where the CNF is supposed to open its liaison office in keeping with an agreement with the government of Chin State.


The second phase of union level peace talks is to be held on May 7 and 8 in Hakha. A 17-member CNF peace delegation has reached Matupi and started discussions from 8 am to noon. They met 3,000 people on May 3.

The leader of the peace delegation, Dr. Sui Khar, explained about the peace talk process to the public and said, “The new Burmese government is willing to talk about political issues. But some people have doubts and raised questions about how we can trust the government as there
has been no change. We have some doubts too on either side and it is difficult to usher in peace. We, therefore, have to put aside these doubts for a while, and have decided to talk directly.”

At the first public consultation, Chief Minister U Hung Ngai, Border and Security Minister, Zaw Min Oo, Transport and Construction Minister, Ngun San Aung, Chin State Parliament Vice Chairman, U Ung Lwin, and other MPs from Mindat, Kanpalet and Matupi townships

In the second phase, the first phase of peace talks will be reviewed for implementation, monitoring the ceasefire agreement, discussions on peace and fundamental rights of the people and discussions about Chin people who are outside Burma.

After this, the CNF peace talk delegates will visit Thantlang, to meet the people.

Mr. U Aung Min, the Union Peace Commission leader, U Win Htun, Union Minister, U Hung Ngai, Chief Minister of Chin State and Colonel Zaw Min Oo, Border and Security Minister of Chin State will participate in the second phase of peace talks between the CNF and the government.