Date of President TheinSein’s visit to Chin state yet to be disclosed

Date of President TheinSein’s visit to Chin state yet to be disclosed
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The timing of a proposed visit byPresident TheinSein, of the new government of Burma, to Chin State, for the first time since the general elections, has not been disclosed by the authorities.

“I will ensure that the President visits the state,” said a minister of the Chin State government.

Mr. TheinSein had visited Chin state before the 2010 general elections in Burma. This will be his first visit as the President of the new elected government, following decades of military dictatorship.

“A cultural dance performance is being organized for the President’s welcome programme. The preparations have been halted temporarily,” said a youth leader from Hakha, the capital of Chin state.

It is learnt that the Chin State government and local people are working towards improving road communication, the education sector, the electricity system and allowing foreign tourists to the state and will make a submission to the President on these matters.

Chin state wants high way construction in ZaKyi, Sagaing Division, from Hantawati to Mandaw and road construction from Hakha to Mizoram, northeast India, as well as setting up a university in the state, generation of hydroelectric power in Dawn Village, in Than Tlang Township, and free access by foreign tourists to the state. The Chin state government will submit these specific proposals to the President.

“We do not know whether Chin State will spend funds from the government coffers for the President’s visit. Funds are being collected from the people,”a town elder said.

Elders and social organizations of Hakha were ordered to prepare for the President’s visit and reception by the town’s administrator.

The Hakha Youth Fellowship’s monthly journal reported that the meeting relating to the President’s reception was conducted in the administration office of the New Market block of Hakha, on March 16.

Some local people, however, speculated that Mr. SaiMawk Kham, the Vice President of Burma, will visit Chin state instead of the President.