Only questions submitted in Chin state parliament session

Only questions submitted in Chin state parliament session
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Khonumthung News

During the second Chin state parliament assembly session on November 8 and 9 in Hakha town, most parliament members submitted only questions, said U Kyaw Nyain, Minister of Mining and Forest.


“Some members have gone to remote areas, so only four parliament members could submit their proposals. The proposal has to be submitted 10 days before the session. That’s why some proposals could not be submitted but 20 questions were discussed at the session,” he said.

Some members were asked to change their proposals into questions by the chairman of the state parliament.

The opposition parties also mentioned that they were informed about the time of the assembly session very late and they did not get time to prepare.

In the assembly, U Robin, MP from Thantlang Township (CNP) submitted seven questions and of these, some were related to the financial aid from India to Chin state and how to establish an environmental committee.

U Van Cin, MP from Rizua and Sabawngpi in Matupi Township (Ethnic Development Party) also submitted questions about the motor road construction programme, how the government proposes to tackle poverty in Chin state and when the authorities would be in a position to supply adequate electricity to Hakha town.

When all the answers to those questions were replied to by the concerned MPs, they said that when the state budget is implemented they will construct link roads from one village to another in order to connect with the main road in Chin state. An environmental committee has already been established not only at the state level, but also the district and township level. Eight committees have already been formed to tackle poverty in Chin state.

Besides, U Kyaw Nyain said that Kyat 25 million have been requested for the 2011-2012 state budget. In this regard, “We don’t have taxable income, so we have to discuss that.”

In Chin state, parliament session assemblies have been held four times this year, twice as regular assembly and twice as special parliament assembly. Khonumthung news