A bribe of Kyat 6 lakhs to theruling party of Burma came into play to appoint a block administrator directly in a block administration post by local authorities in Kalemyo township, Sagaing division in August.
The bribe was taken from campaigners of Panglong and Aung Titsa blocks of Kalemyo by the township administrator,” said a villager of No. 9, Panglong block of Kalemyo.
Mr. Pa Pau was appointed in the Panglong block administration post, which is composed of eight territories by the township authorities after taking Kyat 6 lakhs from campaigners. And then the authorities conducted block elections in August and Mr. Khaipi registered alandslide victory but the authorities appointed Mr. Pa Pau, said a local.
“We reported the detailed result of the election and the township authority said it would submit the results to Naypyidaw, the new capital of Burma. But actually, the exact result has not been revealed till date,” said a member of the block election commissioner in Kalemyo.
The township election commissioner was formed with the township administrator,immigration officer, township police officer, Chairman of the state justice, a lawyer and USDP leader of the state.
Other township’ selection commissioners dare not complain about the Panglong block commissioner’s behaviour.