Protest against India supplying arms to Burma

Protest against India supplying arms to Burma
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Khonumthung News

Burmese residing in New Delhi staged a demonstration yesterday to express their disappointment over India government supplying arms and ammunition in 52 military trucks to the world’s most notorious Burmese military regime recently.

DemonThe protest was led by Burma Center Delhi (BCD) and various ethnic groups from Burma such as Kachin, Karen, Rakhine and other Burmese democracy activists attended. There were almost 100 activists in Jantar Mantar Park in New Delhi.

The demonstrators said the world’s largest democracy was supporting a military regime. They shouted slogans saying “We want Democracy,” “We need Human Rights,”  “Stop supplying arms and respect democracy.”

The Home Minister of India, P.Chidambaram met Burmese military leaders in Burma. They discussed only about security and economic issues of the two countries, Daw Aung San Sukyi was also met by foreign ministry officials of India. But they have not revealed the discussions till date, said Mr. Kim, one of the organizers of the protests.

He added that the Home Minister and head of intelligence of India may have reached an agreement to supply arms and ammunition to Burma and Burmese military government will use the arms to kill innocent people as they did with thousands of protestors in 1988. So, the Government of India should stop supplying arms and ammunition to Burma.

Besides, an open letter was also sent to the Home Ministry and others in India officials to stop arms supply to the Burmese military government.

The Burmese residing in Delhi were protesting on India government’s supply of arms and ammunition in 52 fully loaded military trucks from Moreh town, Manipur state of northeast India to central Burma along the Tamu highway in Sagaing division, Burma on 7 July.

The protesters, who belong to Burmese pro-democracy forces, staged a peaceful demonstration to express their disappointment towards the Government of India for supplying arms and ammunition to the Burmese military junta.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton, US foreign secretary has also urged India to push for democracy in Burma as India is the largest democracy in the world. Khonumthung news