Chin State ministers visit three villages

Chin State ministers visit three villages
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Khonumthung News

A ministerial team led by Colonel Zaw Min Oo, Minister for Security and Border visited Than Tlang Township, Chin state, Burma recently.

Tluangram-300x276The team included Mr. Van Thawng, Agriculture Minister, education officers, those in-charge of Health, Land Surveyors, and Immigration Officers. They visited Tluang Ram village, Than Tlang Township near the Indo-Burma border to identify problems in the region, said a local from Tluang Ram on 5 May.

"A team of 26 ministers and officers visited three villages of Tluang Ram (A), (B) and (C) and spent a night in each village and tried to identify the problems plaguing the local people. The ground situation of villagers was presented to the ministerial team," said a local.

"The problems have been in existence for a long time. The team is expected to solve them," said a Hluttaw representative of the Chin National Party.

The team also met Mr. Lal Maung Cung, a state Hluttaw representative from Than Tlang Township and an official in Than Tlang Town.

Khonumthung news