Funds collected for people’s militia training in Chin state

Funds collected for people’s militia training in Chin state
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Khonumthung News

11 April 2011: Local authorities in Hakha, the capital of Chin state, Burma are collecting 1000 Kyats from each household to conduct training for the people’s militia.


Township authorities have directed block authorities to collect 1000 Kyats from each household in the town as of the first week of this month, said a local.

“Earlier, the Block Peace and Development Council collected money, but now the Block administration office authorities are doing so. The new government is behaving exactly like the old one and say they are following orders from above,” said Mr. Van Lian, Chairman of the National League for Democracy in Chin state.

Details of the training schedule have not been announced by the local authorities but it is to start soon.

Mr. Lian told Khonumthung that local youths of the age of 18 and above are likely to be recruited for the training from different blocks and villages of Hakha Township.

“I don’t know the procedure of youths participating in the training, whether the previous training will be repeated or a new bunch of youths will be trained. The previous state authorities had ordered youths of 18 and above to attend the people’s military training,” said Mr. Van Lian.

Some observers doubt that the people’s military training will be converted to the People’s Military Service law.

The People’s Military Service draft law was issued on December 17, 2010. It said that men between the ages of 18 and 45 and women between the ages of 18 and 35 have to serve in the military for two years. The service term could be increased to five years in the event of a national emergency. - Khonumthung News